Healthcare Employee Wellness Program
Over the long term, personal behaviors and choices drive the majority of health outcomes. One of the keys to controlling healthcare costs—for both patients and staff—is to find ways to help people make healthier choices and sustain those lifestyle changes over time.
There are many options for healthcare employee wellness programs in the market. The best programs take a holistic approach to wellness, not just focusing on nutrition and/or weight loss, but on creating healthy habits and breaking unhealthy habits. They are backed by peer reviewed evidence of success that includes pre- and post- measurement.
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Preferred Partner
Pivio, by Lifestyle Medicine Institute (LMI), is a powerful lifestyle medicine solution that addresses the root cause of chronic disease.
Pibuilds upon the proven success of LMI’s forerunner, CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program), with a 35+ year history of research experience and 40+ published research articles confirming program efficacy and health outcomes. LMI’s lifestyle medicine solution has helped over 80,000 participants regain our health and vitality. Pivio is a comprehensive lifestyle medicine program that provides participants an ecosystem of learning and support resources that act as a catalyst for behavior change. Some of these resources include guided group sessions, edutainment-style videos, online meal planner with access to over 2,000 nutritious recipes, wide array of educational materials such as scientific articles, fact sheets, and explainer videos on topics related to healthy living and much more. Pivio provides a framework that supports individuals to pivot away from chronic disease and towards optimal health. LMI partners with employers, health care systems, physician practices and health plans to activate Pivio within our organizations to reduce escalating healthcare costs by improving the health and vitality of our employees and patients.